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Kickers: The Guys Who Think They're Thug but Really Just Look Stupid

While scrolling through ESPN the other day something caught my eye. No it was not the new football polls, No it wasn't the new Highlights. It was a picture. A picture of a celebration. At first I didn't think anything of it. But after a while i noticed something was a bit different. Going back to my Elementary days and played the game "which one doesn't belong?"

Can you see it? Here let me crop it for you just a bit.

Yep thats right. Some random white guy. Well at least thats what I thought at firsts. I thought to my self yeah it makes since you win the SEC championship you pose with your boys. All I could think was either this was some redshirt guy that doesn't play at all or..... a specialist, and guess which one it was? The Kicker.

If you have played/been around/watched football you know that specialist are well "Special" not a bad kind of special but a different kind of special. Kinda like a Left-handed bull-pen pitcher. Just a little off and weird but not enough to shun them or push them away.

Now I dont personally know the guy but I'm going to take a wild guess that he is the life of the party, everyone loves him but also hates him when he has to many drinks, and tries to be thug but really just looks stupid but people keep him around because he's a clown.

Lets be real though the glasses didn't help with the look either.

My opinion though Specialist are the best. If you ever need to know something about what is going on with the team, where the party will be at, or need just something to get you though practice. These are the guys you need to be around.

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