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Changing of the Guard Across American Professional Sports

With every sport there is a a so called changing of the guard. When the "old generation" makes its way out and the "new and up coming generation" takes its place. Just like we had the transition in basketball from Jordan to Kobe to Lebron. But i feel like people are having with this next transition.

I noticed this while watching the world series( yes I'm taking that far of a step back). It was when Puig was doing this play.

When it happened everyone even the announcers were saying he was being "childish", "immature", "emotional" which I totally understand. But, after thinking about it I would have done the same thing, the same exact thing. Granted I never have and never will be on that same stage. But I know I've thrown my glove in frustration. Mad that I didn't make a play that I should have. Which if you ask Puig I can almost guaranty that in his mind he should have made that catch. He was being emotional but thats how he plays. If you watch any of the World Series all the guys were emotional and having fun. Mocking each other when hitting home-runs. People in the media called it again childish but thats what the game is becoming. not childish but the young guys are coming in and HAVING FUN.

When you look at football you can say the same thing. People give Gronk crap for being such a big kid. but you know what thats who he is and that is what is coming up in the sport. Depending on where you are from and where you go to school you may not have to be the smartest person in order to play football. If you are good they will find a way to get you on that field. a prime example of that is Johny Manzel. Off the field he had more issues then I even want to look up. but on the field, he played with emotion. people call me crazy but i make that same comparison to Baker Mayfield. As hard as it is to say being an Oklahoma State fan ill say it. i like maybe even love watching him play. He plays like nobody is watching. you mess with him and he will get you back right then and there. Baker however is also 100x smarter off the field then Johny was but then again that is for a different time.

The one sport however I dont think will have as hard of an adjustment for the fans is basketball. Due to the fact that players can be one-and-dones in college means that the average age will always be on the younger side. So what people in other sports have been complaining about people getting to emotional and being to childish. They have been dealing with for a few more years due to that one-and-done mentality that comes with playing college basketball.

At the end of the day this new wave of youth in professional sports has me excited. Players playing with emotion and realizing they dont half to be the "alpha male" and show no emotion is great. It makes it more fun to watch. It adds a new element that I feel has been missing lately.

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