Everyone knows that Netflix takes off and puts up shows on a regular basis. Usually I don't have a problem with it. Until now, when they decided to take off a certain 'Legen... wait for it.... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is dairy." show off of their streaming app.
The other day I started my play through of this How Met Your Mother (HIMYM) for maybe the 3rd-4th-5th time, but you know who's counting, and after I had gotten through the first season I went back and tried to watch it. Well, you know what happened? They took the Dang thing off. Not sure how I should be feeling I thought about what I should do. My inner Ted told me to just ignore it and move on with my life. Marshell told me to go eat a "sandwich". You wanna know what Barney told me to do? He told me to "SUIT UP AND BLOG ABOUT IT!"
This show has become somewhat of an inside joke between my brother John, my cousin Ethan and my self. If we get together and there isn't at least one HIMYM reference then that get together was a waste. We have even made it a tradition to take a picture the same way Barney, Marshell, and Ted did in an add for the show way back when. We even played Marshell's song "Im Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers" on a road trip this summer and got way to into it for our own good.
For now I will just have to suck it up and deal with the sadness of not being able to watch HIMYM whenever I want. But you best believe the next time John, Ethan and I are together we are going to Suit Up and just have to remember what the great Barney Stinson once said-