Hey Jordyn, One Time I Thought You Were Going to be Green...

If you don't know me my wife is pregnant, and if you didn't know I'm married well I'm married. So we did what every "Millennial Couple" does and had a gender reveal party. We found out what the gender was at our doctors appointment about a month ago had them put it in an envelope. We decided that we were going to do a cake. Have the baker change the color of the insides and then cut into it and surprise we find out what the gender is.
We walked around the house with than envelope just feet away for a month. It wasn't even really sealed just two little pieces of tape holding that thing shut. I dont know how many times me and Maggi looked at each other and said "We could look and no body would ever know." We did though because we wanted to be just as surprised as everyone else.
Now it is go time. Both of our families are in town the baker has had the cake ready to go. Maggi tells me to go pick up the cakes ,we were getting a second for our sons birthday the next day, after we finish taking our Maternity pictures with "Uncle" Dave. Once Joshua and I were done with our part of the photo shoot the two of use along with uncle bobby hop in my truck and drive down the street to go get the cakes.

I walk in say "Hey I'm here for the two cakes for pick up". She Smiled and brought them out. She then goes on to tell me "Sorry about the gender cake I ran out of blue food coloring so I had to use green". Well shit. I know. I'm not suppose to know but thanks to this lady I know. Then the lady asks "Are you the dad?" YES WOMEN! I'M THE DAD! THANKS FOR RUINING THIS FOR ME!! "Yep I sure am" Sighing the whole time I was saying the words "Well congrats sir". "Thanks have a nice day."
This lady just ruined this for me. What do i do?
Getting back in the car I looked at Bobby and tell him what had just happened. He then asks me if i know what the gender is and me being me i am terrible with stuff i say yes. He then goes i'm try and get it out of you. " Its a boy isn't it?". With a big old grin i start laughing and say yep it sure is.
Driving back to the house we one up with the plan that Bobby will take the blame for it. He was the one that went in and this happened to him. So I dont have to open my big stupid mouth and spill something . We get back to the house and Bobby tells everyone what happened. Of course Maggi is pissed and upset, some how is saying it's my fault that this happened. But at least I don't know.
Fast forward a few hours to the party. Its time to cut the cake. i have finally got around the fact that it is going to be a boy. Im excited. we cut into it. Guess what happens? ITS PINK!!!! I freak out. Maggi looks at me like I am a crazy person. I glance over at bobby and he is just as confused as i am.

Once the craziness calmed down. Bobby and I tell everyone what had really happened that afternoon. We both get looks like are you kidding me that stupid lady. But really that lady made it the best. If she would not have said anything I would have been excited. But, do to the fact that she got it in my head that we were going to have a boy and me wanting it to be a girl made the reaction just that much better. And now there will always be this story to tell. "Hey Jordyn one time I thought you were going to be green...."