The JuCo Baseball Blog Ranking- Week 8
As compared with weeks past not many teams in the Top 10 lost. 4 of the top ten lost (Then #3 San Jac, #4 Cisco, then #9 Connors State, and Then #10 Iowa Western). Of those 4, 3 of them lost twice (San Jac, Connors State, and Iowa Western).
Dropping out this week is Eastern Oklahoma State and Georgia Highlands.
#JuCoBaseballBlog #WaltersState #CentralArizona #McLennan #Cisco #Crowder #WabashValley #SanJac #Chipola #StateCollegeofFlorida #ConnorsState #IowaWestern #SouthernNevada #Howard #SouthMountain #PalmBeach #Broward #ArizonaWestern #Grayson #NortheastTexas #SanteFe #CowleyCounty #NWFlorida #NeoshoCounty #TrinidadState #SeminoleStateOK